Yeelight work with Google Home

Did you login google home app with the correct account that your Google Home device has been setup?

Yeah. I am. The Google staff even got me to factory reset the Google Home and reconnect the account in Google home app.

Still not work? Any advise from google ?

So unbind the lights on my account. Went on my partner’s phone, made a new account and linked them to his accounts and then Google home under his account. And voila. They now Work for some reason. Strange but pretty happy now.

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Good for you! Enjoy!

Hi , when I’m trying to add the Yeelights Action device to my Google Home It asks me to sign in to the Yeelight account but after successfully signing in I see the message “Couldn’t update the settings check your connection” after which it returns to the same screen for adding a device. therefore am unable to see the Yeelight devices within Google Home app.

FYI, I’m able to control the lights through Google Assistant through IFTTT.

Also my locale is setup as Singapore not sure what else to do. I would appreciate your help

Please PM me your xiaomi account. I will check the service log and let you know.

Hi , when I’m trying to add the Yeelights Action device to my Google Home It asks me to sign in to the Yeelight account but after successfully signing in I see the message “Couldn’t update the settings check your connection” after which it returns to the same screen for adding a device. therefore am unable to see the Yeelight devices within Google Home app.

FYI, I’m able to control the lights through Google Assistant through IFTTT.

Also my locale is setup as Singapore not sure what else to do. I would appreciate your help

Hello, I have the same issue.
Could you help me please ?

i have EXACTLY the same problem can you help me?

Hello. I am trying to link Yeelight Actions to Google Home but I get the Error Message “Couldn’t Update the Settings. Check your Connection” Everything was working 5 hours ago. I added a scene and then had to unlink for the scene to be refreshed in Google Home. Now I cannot link it back? I am on the Singapore Server.

Same issue, just unlinked to add new bulb. Now getting the same error.

Same thing here. Got a new bulb today and it couldn’t “see” the new Yeelight so I unlinked the account but now can’t link it again. I keep getting that damned error.

We have trouble shoot the problem, all our data are correctly sent back to Google Home server, it’s an issue of Google Home.

I’ve got exactly the same problem.

I’ve got two white lights, which I can control fine through IFTTT, and I can control my D-Link switch through Google Assistant.

When I try to add Yeelight Actions to the Google Assistant app, I get “Can’t update the setting. Check your connection”.

I can control my Dlink Smart Plugs as well.

We have reported this issue to google.

those who want to know more about the google cloud outage please visit
Hope this helps!

It seems that Google team has fixed the issue but still not working.

Yes I tried setting it up again but no luck :frowning:

Same here. Yeelight team please do something! Please push Google harder!