Yeelight Desk won't update

I’m on 1.2.6 now and been trying to update to 1.3.0 several times without luck.

Tried all sort of things: Reset the light, reinstall YeeLight app, update via Android phone, update via iPhone, change server locale to China.

All failed. What else can I do? Thanks.

Could you setup a phone as hotspot, connect the lamp to it and try the update?

1.3.0_48 maybe has a bug,don’t update!

Maybe? Did you update it and experiencing issues? If so, what issues?

Will try this Weiwei and report back.

my problem is that, if you restart the router, the lamp will always be offline, can not automatically resume online, can only be reconnected power to restore

We are looking into that issue.

Any updates on this topic? I’m also experiencing problems when updating the Desk Lamp from 1.2.6_24 to 1.3.0_48. The app keeps hanging at Upgrading 30%… Tried both home router and phone hotspot.

We are still on it. The fix need to be fully tested before deliver.