Yeelight Color Défaut

To begin to forgive my English I am French and I speak to you thanks to a translator

I’m having a problem with my Yeelight connect to google home

I would like to be able to make sure that when I turn on my bulb vocally or via the application it lights up in white at a precise brightness

I set the default light in the application Yeelight in white 50% it works if I turn off the 220V but not if I turn off on google home or on the application it turns on the same color and not in default color

How can I do ?
I can force it to turn on in white 50% via scenes? a setting?

Thank you


Oui tu dois utiliser les scènes, de ce que j’ai compris le mode par défaut ne sert que dans le cas ou ta lampe a été éteinte, dans le sens coupée du courant, on en parle dans ce post :


Yes i guess you have to use scenes, i finally understood that default state is used after the bulb was really powered off, we talk about it hre :