Reset problems blinking white

When i try to reset my bulbs it goes to a blinking white mode I thought it was to go to a steady white I cant find the yeelight wifi during this Am i wrong about this

I don’t quite understand your question.

Do you mean you can find yeelight wifi during reset?

I have purchased 5 yee lights recently and have yet to be able to connect any of them I have done the resets and have spent hours and hours online to find a soluton to this problem.I have not been able to set the wi fi so i have to keep trying to reset them so they can be reconized by the wifi When i go thru the reset the bulbs do not follow the pattern many discuss after the 5th switching --on and off the bulbs blink white not a steady white as other say If the company wished to sell their color bulbs they need to have better instructions on how to set them up
I can rebuild computers and was a web master for many years YET these bulbs have me pulling my hair out If i could afford a teenager to set them for me i would

Please make sure:
1、Voltage support in bulb package is the same with your voltage.
2、From your description, it seems your bulb is in factory mode, please refer: