Mijia Bedside Lamp 2 no wifi connection

I have also tried that option. It blinks for 2 seconds, but then it stays fixed.
My xiaomi ID is: 1723617899

It seems you have a bedside lamp online. Could you show me a screen capture of the device list in Yeelight app?

It is displayed on Yeelight APP and works from there, but cannot be reacheable from mi home app

Do I have to delete the device from Yeelight app to make it discoverable again on mi home?

No. Yeelight app and mi home app actually work on same user data.

Please double check if you have selected same server in both app.

Yes, both Mainland China.
It was like that before and was perfectly working

I found you have several. What about the others? Are they shown in mi home app?

Yes, the other lights are perfectly ok on mi home app. All working and connected

Could you show me a screen capture of both app?

I need to find someone look into it.

Lamp was displayed on my devices before the issue, but I have deleted it to try to pair again, so I dont know what to show from mi home app to you…

The picture attached is showing your favorite device list.

Please check every room below that, suppose your new device should be displayed in default room in the bottom. Let me know!