Local Discovery Problems

I’m trying to figure out the local discovery in developer mode, but something seems to be wrong.
I also tried the example windows app. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t recognize any of my lights.
I noticed that if it does not work, and I switch another light from non developer mode into developer mode it suddenly detects all my lights again, but after some time it stops working.

Any help would be appreciated.

Are you using a OpenWrt router? If yes, you need to turn off an IGMP related feature.

No I run a Win 10 machine. I tried the example Windows app. Then I looked at your homebridge code and tried to recreate a standalone node app to control the lights but when I try to send the ssdp message via dgram I don’t get a reply and I can’t detect the lights in the windows app anymore.

Could you try chrome example or Python example?