Issue after firmware update

MI ID: 1585416879

After updating the COLOR bulb firmware (some days ago) I noticed some issues on Yeelight APP, constantly not showing the bulb as connected (even if button turn all on/off were still working) both on 4G and on WiFi.

In order to solve the issue I tried to:
-reinstall the Yeelight APP
-reset the bulb (with the 5-turn-on-off switch)

After that my situation has got worse, since I cannot complete the pairing (connection timeout) in the APP and I even cannot connect via TELNET to the bulb.

This is my setup:

  • router (restarted) with 2.4Mhz band => the bulb seems connected as I can ping its IP from CMD
  • SSID is not hidden, password is alphanumeric (no special chars)
  • I own also a BedSide lamp, which is working even if - after having updated its firmware as well- I can’t see it online in the Yeelight APP. I can control it via telnet or via the demo Android app.

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot the issue and get back to control my bulb?
I’m a little lost at the moment…

Please let us know at the first moment, we will have a check from the cloud if there’s something wrong. Thanks.

You need enable “LAN control” if your want use TELNET, but LAN control is also reset after you reset the bulb. So you cannot connect via TELNET to the bulb.

For now, please have a check at:

  1. If there’s AP named like “yeelink_light_***” in your phone’s wifi list after you reset the bulb?
  2. If yes, could you see the bulb in your router’s DHCP list after the connection failed?
  3. If yes, i think it’s your ISP network issue. Maybe you can setup a hotspot with another phone and connect your bulb to it to see if it works.

Let us know!
