Collecting Echo & IFTTT feedback

Really sorry, currently it is an “either … or …” choice. I do believe sensors will support Singapore server in a near future.

Thx for the quick reply. I have to make my desicion then :frowning:

I can not connect to iftt I’m bolivia Could be the reason?

I have been using yeelight here in Philippines , using Alexa skill and IFTT, everything works well , I was hoping that the Xiaomi smart mini plug will be available in Singapore Server so most of international users will be able to manage/use the smart plug from Xiaomi and can be integrated to IFTT /Alexa.

Thanks for choosing Yeelight.
Regarding Xiaomi IOT devices, it’s manufactured and maintained by different companies, I also don’t know how to contact others to push them for globalization. However, I do know Xiaomi is working on international related problems and I believe at mid of 2017, all products will have a better user experiences for users outside China. So for now, please be patient and wait for Xiaomi to catch up.

Thank you, more power to yeelilght Team, keep it up…

Every day I get a notice my Yeelight IFTTT channel is offline so I have to reconnect it manually. Is this only me or ?

你好,我这边有一个yeelight灯带,然后已经切换成新加坡,并且连上IFTTT,google assistant能操作了。

但是,当我连echo dot的时候,每次enable yeelight skill的时候,点击授权之后,

都会跳转报错“an error occurred while attempting to link alexa with yeelight”。

我尝试了一个US, 一个加拿大的amazon账号都是这个错,想问下怎么解决? 谢谢!

你是在国内使用吗? 可以打开vpn或者关闭vpn,然后试试。


echo dot 和手机都是连的同一个“科学上网”的路由器。 快崩溃了… 还是同样的错

把alexa app杀掉,重新进去再试试。这个问题偶尔发生,国内发生的特别频繁,不知道为什么。



您的小米账号是什么? 我们从后台看一下log。


然后杀掉alex app。重新进去enable。



我又试了一下别的skill,比如sleep and relaxation sounds 这个是可以enable的。



好,麻烦了哈!~ 多谢多谢!
